Dr. Rui Ribeiro – Cirurgia da obesidade e diabetes

Dr. Rui Ribeiro’s team setup for bariatric and diabetes surgery in Lisbon

Your bariatric service in Lisbon is this !

Since 2001 our team is one of the main players in the field of bariatric and metabolic surgery in Portugal. 

We began with the gastric band technique but in 2002 and the first laparoscopic gastric bypass was performed in 2002.

Having already got standards on Roux en Y gastric bypass we evolluted to sleeve gastrectomy, to biliopancreatic diversion, to duodenal switch and finally, to mini gastric bypass, to long pouch gastric bypass, to Single anastomosis duodenal switch with sleeve and, lately, to the Bowel Transit Bipartition bypass.

Bowel Transit Bipartition

Between those steps we innovated and proposed new approaches as the SILS technique or the bypass by minilaparoscopy.

For all those patients (about 3500) operated in more than 20 years, we took in account the precious collaboration of an enthusiastic multidisciplinary team, always supporting and stimulating the surgical inputs and taking care of our patients in a very dedicated way.

Those are the main issues people who visit us may notice and eventually take profit from our experience.

In a very friendly and warm setup, in the Hospital Lusíadas Amadora, we would like to be useful for you. Here we may solve your problem !

Welcome to Lisbon.

Direct contact:

+ 351 968 442 030


O Hospital Lusíadas Amadora faz parte do grupo Lusíadas Saúde, o primeiro grupo em Portugal a ter hospitais acreditados pela sua qualidade e segurança pela Joint Commission International.

Avenida Hospitais Civis de Lisboa, nº8

2724-002, Amadora

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